Fall Mini-Symposium

The Predominance of Plants

Thursday, October 27th 

Dr. Regina Baucom smiling at the camera

2:00 p.m. – The evolutionary genomics of nontarget site herbicide resistance in the common morning glory

Dr. Regina Baucom (University of Michigan)

Dr. Chris Topp a man with dark hair who is smiling

2:30 – There’s a world going on underground:  root and rhizosphere-driven solutions to more sustainable agriculture

Dr. Chris Topp (Danforth Plant Center)

Dr. Eli Rodgers-Melnick

2:55 – Right Product, Right Acre:  Self-supervised Learning and the Prediction of GxE

Dr. Eli Rodgers-Melnick (Corteva Agriscience)

Dr. Johanna Schmitt (University of California, Davis)

3:20 – How natural variation in the seasonal germination niche shapes plant life histories and climate adaptation 

Dr. Johanna Schmitt (University of California, Davis)


There is no fee for this event but register to receive Zoom link