How to Apply

Application Deadline

IPS manages applications for students interested in the following degree-granting units: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Bioinformatics; Entomology, Genetics; Horticulture; Microbiology; Plant Biology; Plant Breeding, Genetics & Genomics; Plant Pathology; Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources.

The application deadline is December 1, 2024 for matriculation in Fall 2025. If you are considering applying after that date, please contact Maddie Johnson for more information.

Evaluation and Timeline

Applications are screened in December and early January. Assessment will focus on Research Experience, Letters of Reference, GPA, overall potential for graduate study, and perceived fit with affiliated graduate programs. Excellence in one or more areas can offset deficiencies in other areas; explanations for deficiencies should be described in your Statement of purpose. Top domestic applicants will be invited to visit the UGA campus in late February / early March for in-person interviews and interactions with current students and research faculty. Top international applicants will be interviewed via Zoom. Offers of admission will be extended to successful applicants shortly after interviews.

Application Process (both steps must be completed)

  1. Complete an online IPS Background & Interest form.
    This form can be submitted at anytime, but preferably soon after you submit your online application to the UGA Graduate School. This form is critical to the evaluation of your application. Before completing the form, review the IPS website to identify Interdisciplinary Groups, Departments, and Faculty that are of interest to you.
  2. Submit an official online application to the UGA Graduate School, and route required transcripts (unofficial transcripts sufficient for initial application review), letters of recommendation, and optional GRE scores as instructed during the application process. The UGA Graduate School website provides detailed descriptions of admissions requirements, the application fee, and other pertinent information. International applicants should review supplemental requirements prior to applying.NOTE: GRE is not required but accepted as supplemental application material.

IMPORTANT CODES: Select Integrated Plant Sciences, PhD, fall term as the Major during the application process. Select 5813 as the institutional code for ETS reports (i.e., GRE scores).

Statement of Purpose

Use the Statement of Purpose in the IPS Background & Interest form to convey a sense of who you are, including your interests, goals, and ambitions.  We highly recommend that your statement includes the following at the very least:

  • your reason(s) for pursuing graduate study
  • your interests (e.g., names of faculty, interdisciplinary groups, and/or graduate programs)
  • evidence of scholarly activity (e.g., research experiences, manuscripts published/in preparation)
  • any special circumstances of which you wish to make us aware
  • if applicable, explanations for any perceived deficiencies in your application