Giabardo, Anita
What brought you to UGA? After my BS, I started a dual MS program between UGA and the University of Padua (Italy). After completing my Master’s, knowing the university and how rich the plant science community is, I was convinced to apply to the UGA IPS program. I applied to other schools as well, but in the end UGA ended up being my best option in terms of both academics and student life.
What are your research/study interests? I am interested in understanding why plants are the way they are and how we can use that knowledge to improve them through traditional plant breeding, genetic engineering, and everything in between.
What has been a benefit of being part of IPS?/How did it help you select your program? IPS was the reason I applied to UGA. Rotations allowed me to get to know departments, faculty members, and fellow students outside of my circle. After my first semester, I was able to make an informed decision and pick the lab that best suited my interests.
What are your career goals? I would like to keep working in plant science-related research.
Who is your major professor? My major professor is Dr. Robin Buell.